
Welcome to SportingSeniors, a place for anyone who strives to enjoy sports, or activities and does not want to compromise performance or simple enjoyment just because the years and peers suggest we should do otherwise. I initially tried to file a domain under Weekend Warrior, the dictionary’s definition being : a person who participates in an activity only in their spare time. This does fit, however there are many, now retired or close to retiring, that are also serious about their sports. They write in their calendars, times for practice, games, tournaments etc, prioritizing their chosen activity first, with work and other events around the activity.

Over time, I want this to be a one stop information center. The place to discover topics that pull at your interests, enhance your current sports, filling voids and gaps you did not know exist. I want to introduce you to other sports and activities, encouraging you to try them out guided by, helped by, those already well versed in the challenges you will encounter.

My initial blogs will contain basics, of injury prevention, wellness, nutrition. There is so much already out there but not specific to our age group and it is all over the place not in one single location. I know many of us have questions on vitamins, supplements , hormone replacement therapy. Many of my contemporaries where I play tennis have back pain concerns, knee and shoulder problems. All questioning types of treatment, the use of supplemental appliances to mitigate further injury. Those having gone through or planning surgeries on these ailments have forewarnings and afterthoughts to share with us all.

Thank you for investigating SportingSeniors, our initial launch, with many more informative chapters to follow.

Glenn Matayoshi


  • 10 Best Sports for Seniors to Play:from
  • Can’t Get Outside? My mother is going to be 96 years old this year and when I say We like her to be active, accurately, “Wii” makes her active. Finding these at Goodwill , a thrift store or on Craig’s list is possible as the older motion controllers are preferable still.

Lots of Option Living in Southern California

my activity center
just one corner