Use it or Lose It?

A case for practice Do you want to just DO IT or say. I USED to do this 20 years ago? Twin Lakes, Bridgeport, CA     It was not until my 30”s that I understood a statement that my high school football coach repeatedly said.  Coach O’Brien always said something to the effect of:  “Winning comes down to how much you REALLY want it”.     At the time I understood this to mean are you really putting out 110 per cent on the field as you played.  I…


Hello again. I hope this entry finds you and your loved ones well and thriving. One of any age group’s best defense from disease is a healthy immune system. It has been shown during this time that outside exercise, well distanced, aids in increasing our odds to stay healthy. After consulting with your physician to construct a physical training regime, this should be your first step: A proper foundation for standing and movement Reduce Pain Better Balance Impact Sports Performance Sports Orthotics can be designed for people with Plantar Fasciitis, Morton’s…

Who Cares About Senior Athletes?

I do, among those of us who are only seniors chronologically , those who see that mountain stack up higher by time but still love attempting to climb to the summit. Those who are not yet seniors, searching for methods, philosophy, nutrition, supplements, hints, tips, equipment to slow down the effects of time so that we can linger in our respective joys longer. Ah yes, I am of the Baby Boomer category, meaning I have lots of company to date. I am fortunate, having thrived, being active since I can…