Who Cares About Senior Athletes?

I do, among those of us who are only seniors chronologically , those who see that mountain stack up higher by time but still love attempting to climb to the summit. Those who are not yet seniors, searching for methods, philosophy, nutrition, supplements, hints, tips, equipment to slow down the effects of time so that we can linger in our respective joys longer. Ah yes, I am of the Baby Boomer category, meaning I have lots of company to date.

I am fortunate, having thrived, being active since I can remember. I was reprimanded in Kindergarten and reminded to this day that I cannot sit still, I must be in motion (A Newton Law of Motion). I have always been able to grasp a new sport, or activity quickly although not to an elite expertise. Being an early active person gives no head start or huge advantage over age. I constantly meet those who where not active when young, who started at various junctions of their lives, perhaps in college, a club, an influential friend, when they got married, because of their children, empty nest syndrome, midlife panic. When one starts does not matter. What does matter is enjoying it NOW.

Research on aging and being active is both broad and deep with information. The majority of output is from experts in their respective fields. I have viewed articles and blogs by doctors, professional athletes, professional instructors and enthusiasts. The perspective I want to bring out is from an everyday common Sporting Senior and others who live rather normal lives and have incorporated their passion for a sport(s) to be a cumulative, positive addition to their life. If you ask a top natural athlete how they perform you will get a simplistic answer because they can just do it without thinking “naturally”. If you ask one without that natural talent, one who had to analyze what the “natural athlete” does and develop methods, practice drills, to reproduce those actions, they make logic that I feel we wannabes can better relate to.

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